Refundable Accommodation Deposit
Daily Accommodation Payment
(Alternate payment methods available)
About the room
Single room
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
Daily Accommodation Payment
(Alternate payment methods available)
About the room
- Single occupancy and located throughout the home
- Minimum room size of 14.5 sqm

Premium single
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
Daily Accommodation Payment
(Alternate payment methods available)
About the room
- Located throughout the home
- Has access to the courtyard and landscaped gardens
- Minimum room size of 24 sqm
Companion room
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
Daily Accommodation Payment
(Alternate payment methods available)
About the room
- Located near the main lounge area
- Has access to the outside courtyard
- Minimum room size of 14.5 sqm

Deluxe single
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
Daily Accommodation Payment
(Alternate payment methods available)
About the room
- Large single rooms with private ensuite
- Storage cabinets, guest chairs and side tables
- Located near lounge areas and outdoor courtyards
- Wall mounted TV
- Room airconditioing

Deluxe companion
Refundable Accommodation Deposit
Daily Accommodation Payment
(Alternate payment methods available)
About the room
- Located near the main lounge area
- Built in cabinetry for privacy and induvial storage solutions
- Shared ensuites
- Minimum room size of 18.85 sqm