What's Happening in our homes

Promoting Positive Well-being

What's happening
Promoting Positive Well-being
Boronia Residential Aged Care
Samantha Freeman
Samantha Freeman
General Manager Brand & Resident Experience
May 19, 2020
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At MACG homes, we positively promote and support everyone’s well-being; Tai Chi, Meditation, pastoral support & spirituality, music & dancing & some very special pet visits are just some of the regular well-being experiences.Gardening, creating, cooking and helping out around the home, provide meaning & purpose for so many of our residents.Each day our staff and residents focus on supporting family connections, enjoying each other’s company, celebrating moments and showing gratitude together.

Boronia Residential Aged Care
Boronia Residential Aged Care
Casey Manor
Staying Connected with Family
Casey Manor helping with dinner
Northern Gardens Flower Arranging
Coffee Making At Oaklea Hall
Raising Baby Chickens at Traralgon

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