What's Happening in our homes

Our aged care teams at the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic we acknowledge and celebrate the work of all our valued employees.

What's happening
Our aged care teams at the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic we acknowledge and celebrate the work of all our valued employees.
Boronia Residential Aged Care
Samantha Freeman
Samantha Freeman
General Manager Brand & Resident Experience
August 6, 2020
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With our aged care teams at the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic, we acknowledge and celebrate the work of all our valued employees. The teams have been working tirelessly to care for and protect our residents, we thank you and honour you on Aged Care Employees Day. This day is for you, to acknowledge the incredible work you do, and to show you just how much you make a difference to the lives of older people. At all MACG homes they held a Super Heroes theme, video messages were made by some of the residents; thanking our staff, and some residents also gave thank you cards or appreciation certificates to the staff. The socially distanced staff lunches featured Pizza , Thai snack boxes and a BBQ

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