What's Happening in our homes

Christmas Giving

What's happening
Christmas Giving
Boronia Residential Aged Care
Samantha Freeman
Samantha Freeman
General Manager Brand & Resident Experience
December 20, 2021
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A special thank you to MACG staff, residents and families for the generous donations of groceries, Christmas treats, toys and toiletries during our month of Christmas Giving.

Residents have also raised additional funds with the sale of their beautiful hand-made Christmas cards and gifts, baked goods and wonderful Hamper raffles.

Our homes have received so much gratitude from the teams at ‘back 2 basics’, ‘Backpacks 4 Vic kids’, Chelsea Church of Christ ‘Open Pantry’, Knox Infolink, St. Michael’s Mick’s kitchen, Salvation Army Christmas Drive and St. Anthony’s ‘Tony's kitchen/café’.

Casey Aged Care
Casey Aged Care
Carrum Downs
Casey Manor

Head Office
Northern Gardens
Oakea Hall

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