Managers Update- Autumn 2020
Hello everyone,Welcome to our Autumn Newsletter; sharing some of our recent highlights and updates. Many of you have let us know you are appreciating the regular photos and updates and of course the booked video calls and new ways of visiting. During the restricted visiting phase, we have been focused on supporting residents to stay connected with their families and friends. The video call and visitor booking system ensures families can enjoy video calls, and window visits for family groups & celebrations.Individual visits are also booked to ensure we safely provide individual visiting times within the restricted visiting time frames. Please ensure you are contacting the home in advance to secure a booked appointment time for a video call or window or individual visit.We always welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing you.
Kind Regards, Nina - Home Manager and the Boronia Residential Aged Care Team
Lifestyle Update
Cultural & special events During March, April and May we have celebrated and commemorated many significant cultural days and events. Residents prepared for Easter by baking Easter treats and making messages for families and friends. Our Mother’s Day Celebration Featured a beautiful High Tea. Staff and residents commemorated ANZAC Day With a very moving ANZAC Day Service. On International Nurses Day we showed our appreciation for all the Boronia Aged Care Nurses and care team,with the team enjoying a fun pizza get together.
Meaningful Activities & Experiences
Recently we have been focused on supporting residents to engage in meaningful tasks around the home. Some of the residents are enjoying gardening, cooking, sewing for others and folding for the laundry.Creative projects, daily exercise groups, Movement to music,musical requests, classic movies & reminiscence and small social groups are just some of the recreational interests enjoyed by residents.We continue to support Knox Infolink and recently presented Carol and Glen with hand knitted blankets, toys, scarves, gloves & dog coats and $300 donation, generously raised by our residents and staff fundraising raffles. We are always happy to email families photos and updates, so please contact us if you would like to exchange some photos with your family member.
Becky,Liz and Vickie,Lifestyle Tea