Quality of life in residential aged care

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Quality of life in residential aged care
Aged care resident enjoying a coffee
Residential aged care
December 20, 2021
minute read

Everything you need to know to feel safe, comfortable and in control

Over the decades, we’ve probably heard every possible myth surrounding aged care. As an older person, you want the best for yourself; you want dignity, freedom, comfort, community. As the loved one of an older person seeking residential aged care, you want all of their wishes to be fulfilled.

Residential aged care is nothing to worry about. It offers an enormously rewarding and exciting lifestyle. In this article, we’re going to explain exactly what we mean.

We’re going to discuss:

  • The myths of residential aged care
  • What seniors really think of residential aged care
  • How to choose the right residential aged care home
  • Are residential care homes actually good for elderly people?
  • When do you know it’s time for assisted living?

If you’d like to learn more about the quality of life at any of MACG’s welcoming homes, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly staff.

The myths of residential aged care

Everyone has their own idea of what old age brings, and what aged care is like. It’s no secret that these perceptions can be less than stellar. Many have faced doubts about entering aged care. That’s why we believe it’s important to address these negative myths head-on.

In 2020, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission produced a report titled ‘What Australians think of ageing and aged care’. They found that people believed aged care residents:

  • Were often lonely
  • Had no control over their lives
  • Were unhappy
  • Ate poor quality food

However, the positive perceptions were that residents:

  • Are safe
  • Are comfortable in well-maintained rooms
  • Can access medical and health care whenever they need it

But those were the perceptions — here’s the interesting discovery: the people who had actually visited or stayed at care homes had constantly higher opinions of them. That’s compared to people who had no experience with them at all.

The good news is that the positive perceptions are actually true. The great news is that the negative perceptions are false.

What seniors really think of residential aged care

The quality of life in an aged care home is much, much better than many expect. Of course, the authorities on residential life are the people who actually live there.

The Medical & Aged Care Group has developed 8 beautiful residential aged care homes in Melbourne. We’re confident in the quality of life we provide. But we’ll let our residents put it in their own words:

“I became, in my own mind, part of this family. And they’ve looked after me with all my needs and it’s made me very happy.”— Geoffrey

“The staff maintain your independence here. They let you do what you can do, and if you can't do it, they’ll say ‘right, that’s fine’. But if you can do it, they will let you do it. The staff here are wonderful.’— Heather

We’re proud to have earned these testimonials. Now, let’s talk about what makes a quality aged care home.

How to choose the right residential aged care home

Residential aged care in Australia is a carefully regulated industry. Our older population deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission ensure they are.

As part of their responsibilities, the Commission has developed the Aged Care Quality Standards. All Government-funded care providers must abide by the Standards.

These eight Aged Care Quality Standards are:

  1. Consumer dignity and choice
  2. Ongoing assessment and planning
  3. Personal care and clinical care
  4. Services and supports for daily living
  5. Organisation’s service environment
  6. Feedback and complaints
  7. Human resources
  8. Organisational governance

If you’re assessing aged care providers, we strongly recommend you ask them how they measure up to the Standards.

MACG can also help you better understand what the Aged Care Quality Standards mean for you and your loved ones.

Are residential care homes actually good for elderly people?

The positive experience of our residents is our paramount priority. We go above and beyond to meet industry standards, and to exceed the quality of life expectations of everyone who walks through our doors.

MACG employs highly experienced and empathetic staff, from chefs to caregivers. We do this not only to provide for our residents’ medical and lifestyle needs, but to form a sincere community. We want you to feel at home.

Our residential aged care homes provide:

  • Lifestyle and wellbeing activities to keep you active, fit and happy
  • Communal areas to socialise with friends, family and neighbours
  • Delicious meals prepared by our on-site chefs
  • Regular access to physiotherapists, podiatrists and other specialists
  • Laundry and room cleaning
  • 24/7 staffing to attend to your needs, including a Level 1 Registered Nurse

But the secret to providing our excellent quality of life is that we will respect your right to make your own decisions regarding your care. You, or your chosen advocate, are in control.

When do you know it's time for assisted living?

In our experience, there are specific signs that might indicate it’s time to consider moving into an aged care home.

If you’re wondering when to consider aged care, look for these signs:

  • You find it increasingly difficult to care for yourself
  • Your mobility has been reduced
  • Your home has become unkempt
  • You lack interest in social activities

These behaviours may be symptoms that you need assistance to maintain or rebuild a happy, healthy lifestyle.

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