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Traralgon Aged Care Residents fly to Thailand with JetStar

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Traralgon Aged Care Residents fly to Thailand with JetStar
Traralgon Aged Care
Samantha Freeman
Samantha Freeman
General Manager Brand & Resident Experience
May 25, 2021
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Traralgon residents spent a day flying to Thailand with JetStar. Everyone lined up with boarding passes in hand ready to be checked into the flight.

Once all residents had been seated from the Jetstar crew they enjoyed some inflight entertainment from staff members (Terry Thanuchit & Sirava Bell)

During the flight residents dined on some wonderful Thai food(provided from a local Thai restaurant Zaab Zaab) Once everyone landing safely the rest of the afternoon

was spent talking and getting to know the JetStar crew.

Thankyou and congratulations to the staff for such a wonderful team effort, and all of the crew from Jetstar.



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