What's Happening in our homes

Residents across the MACG homes honour Remembrance Day with some very moving services

What's happening
Residents across the MACG homes honour Remembrance Day with some very moving services
Boronia Residential Aged Care
Samantha Freeman
Samantha Freeman
General Manager Brand & Resident Experience
November 11, 2021
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Residents across the MACG homes prepared for Remembrance Day by knitting or crafting poppies and wreaths and making lamingtons and baking for their Remembrance morning teas.

Veterans, War widows and staff read poems and laid wreaths together. Special thank you to Noel from Bayswater RSL and Ron,Traralgon RSL for conducting services at Boronia and Traralgon.

Veterans wore their medals, shared photos and some reminisced and shared their war time experiences with each other after the Services.

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