Manager’s update - Autumn 2020
Hello everyone, we hope that everyone is keeping safe and well! We would like to thank all our Residents, Relatives and Staff for being so supportive during the current COVID-19 Pandemic. The Casey Aged Care team have been ensuring Residents have visits with their families and loved ones either by window visits, virtual calls or our new booking system. Whilst this time brings some uncertainty, it is exciting to see the embrace of technology which has been a learning for all! Autumn saw some lovely days spent in the Garden, afternoons creating Easter decorations and a solemn heartfelt service for ANZAC Day. During this time of uncertainty, Casey Aged Care have commenced a gratitude project. Each day we ask Residents and Staff to write down something that they are grateful for on a love heart so it can be displayed in the home (each person has the choice to remain anonymous). We think that it is important to always remain thankful and reflect on the positive things or people we have around us. We extend the invitation to all Relatives and Friends when you attend for your booked visit. If you have time it would be wonderful to share your positive thoughts with our Residents and Staff. We will continue to keep all Relatives and Residents updated with information as it arises. Again, thank you for your support and stay safe!
Kindest Regards, Jessica- Home Manager and the Casey Aged Care Team
Lifestyle Update
ANZAC Day 2020 Residents and staff joined together for their annual ANZAC Commemoration Service. Residents prepared the home for ANZAC Day with the hanging of Australian flags and hand-made poppies. Veterans, staff and residents conducted and participated in a very moving Service EASTER Easter was celebrated with the screening of Church Services and programs; Easter eggs, Easter Raffle and a very special Easter lunch.We will be celebrating various cultural events during Autumn; Harmony Day, ANZAC Day Commemoration Service and Mother’s Day. Resident & family Video calls Please contact us, if you would like to arrange a regular skype, facetime or zoom call with your family member. Resident & Relative Meetings & Food Focus Resident Committee Meetings will be held on 4/6/2020, 9/7/2020, 6/8/2020 Meeting minutes are available via email to families and representatives.
Community Engagement & Events
Casey Manor & Casey Aged Care residents, families and staff continue to support ‘Backpack 4 Vic Kids’.We are thrilled to be have recently raised $ 1500.00 for ‘Backpack 4 Vic Kids’.Residents were thrilled to receive a collection of paintings and well wishes from the children from local ‘King Kids’ kindergarten, who have been regular visitors to the home. Currently we are hosting a range of recreational activities throughout the home each day. Please let us know if you have any requests or suggestions for the Casey Aged Care Lifestyle Program.
Nathan & Casey Aged Care Lifestyle Team